
Oh you know we love a Guess Who game around here. With an Ancient Maya unit study this summer, there had to be an Ancient Maya Guess Who game. And this one was tough to make! Usually I can find Creative Commons images, or I’ve purchased rights to images before…butContinue Reading

We are about to embark upon a dive into the Ancient Norse. We always start with the mythology and go from there, so, of course, that means we need a set of Guess Who cards to go along with our stories. My kids already have some familiarity with this mythologyContinue Reading

I only learnt about The Tiling Game a few months ago. It’s mentioned over just a couple of pages in my Montessori R&D Geometry II manual, and the only place I can find to purchase it is through Albanesi – for over $300, not including the storage box! Well, youContinue Reading

Today my oldest finished a huge project! For the past year or so, she’s been making the Montessori Fraction Charts. The Fraction Charts are a bit like a fraction dictionary. The charts show fraction circles 1-10, fraction equivalence, fraction addition and subtraction with like and unlike denominators, multiplication of aContinue Reading

As a homeschooler, $350 for a few plates that demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem is not realistic for our family. FunGirl will most likely see the material once, internalize it, and never want to look at it again. Daisy is more likely to come back to the puzzle a few times,Continue Reading

Looking back we did quite well with the Montessori Geography sequence last year. The more time I spend with the albums, the more I understand how everything weaves together. However so much of the geography albums cover what I’d consider “science” topics. It’s amazing, but we didn’t learn much actualContinue Reading

The Montessori peg board is used with Elementary students for a few different math topics: factors, common multiples, square roots. It could also be used for geometric multiplication work, and other work besides. As I’ve mentioned, FunGirl doesn’t love working with materials. She likes to move to paper work orContinue Reading

Fungirl seemed to implicitly understand squares and cubes. She had so much experience with the bead chains in Kindergarten and first grade that when they started coming up in equations she just got stuck in. However recently we had a blip where she got a little confused. When asked toContinue Reading

Sandpaper letters are essential Montessori material for the Primary student. The letters give visual and tactile input – auditory too when combined with a teacher or student sounding out the letter. Today I’m going to show you how to make really fun, better than the original, glitter letters using aContinue Reading

One of the wonderful things about Montessori education is the emphasis on global awareness right from the Primary level. Three to six year old students work with puzzle maps, experience festivals from around the world, and explore continent boxes. Second plane students continue their geography study in a hands onContinue Reading