Science (Page 2)

We’ve been doing some really fun science experiments this summer! I’ve specifically been looking for experiments that have an element of demonstration or guided data gathering, evaluation, estimation, and then testing. I want the kids thinking about what they’ve seen, and how they can use that info! For reference, thisContinue Reading

My goal was to write one of these “Our Work” posts each month. Whoops! Here’s our wrap up post for the end of the year. I gave no new lessons this week. The girls had a two-week work plan listing all the projects that needed completing before school “finished” forContinue Reading

Our Ancient Egypt Unit Study went so well, now that we’ve moved on a little bit, we were excited to dive into an Ancient Greece Unit Study! Between unit studies we’ve carried on with listening to History Quest Early Times (HQET) chapters, and I’ve been supplementing with Story of theContinue Reading

Have you seen the gorgeousness that is the ETC Atom board? It’s so very pretty. And so very expensive! My kids want to do some work with electrical circuits, and I think we’re going to do some chemistry with our science buddies. Starting at the beginning with stellar nucleosynthesis andContinue Reading

We’ve been having some fun with a mini-geology unit lately. We didn’t dive in deep to any particular area, but tried to briefly touch upon several different areas of geology. A little sample of everything to hopefully spark some interest when COVID calms down a bit and we can goContinue Reading

We’ve been doing a little bit of geology around here – just a smattering here and there. We did a little rock identification at the beach last week, and that inspired a more formal set up at home this week. My jumping off point was this rock identification flow chart.Continue Reading

This week I tried something new. I tried to be more relaxed about when and where we did our work. It’s not easy! I like a plan, a checklist, and I like to just get on with things. But I want our homeschool to be relaxed, where the girls haveContinue Reading

Ancient Egyptians wrote on papyrus, so of course we used papyrus and learnt about it as part of our study of ancient Egypt. We even made our own glue and papyrus! A while ago, when we talked about Sumer and Ancient Mesopotamia we tried making cuneiform tablets, so I decidedContinue Reading

Week 4 was all about language and math! We went all in this week. Aside from a fraction multiplication lesson to continue on a theme, all Funball’s work was Ancient Egypt related. Due to her age, not all of Daisy’s work follows the theme quite as much but I thinkContinue Reading

When I began introducing history, after teaching the Third Great Lesson, we began using Pandia Press’ product, History Quest Early Times (HQET). We got started and found it ok – fun to take along to the park and listen to, but not very engaging activity-wise. This post contains affiliate links,Continue Reading