
Our Earliest Americans unit study will focus on the different ways humans may have arrived in the Americas. We’ll also look at how the different climates around North America may have influenced lifestyles. Before the unit I asked the kids if they had any specific projects in mind that they’dContinue Reading

Our first unit study this Fall is a dive into the Renaissance. We’re coming at the Renaissance from the angle of the knowledge learnt and the Renaissance scientists. I know that when the topic comes around again the focus will be on the role of the church, government, and theContinue Reading

This summer we’re diving into the Ancient Maya and the rain forest biome. We have two friends along for the ride, the same ages as my kids (7 and 10), so it will be fun to have some extra energy around! See also our Rain Forest Unit Plan, our AncientContinue Reading

Thank you for purchasing The Flat-Pack Bead Cabinet from StarLitDay! I know you’ll love it! This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. The videos below will help you assemble your Cubes,Continue Reading

This week we dived into pyramids and mummies! We’d already covered a lot of information about mummies though our mythology reading – it’s hard to talk about Ancient Egypt without talking about mummies! Our read aloud at the beginning of the week focused on pyramids, but we talked a lotContinue Reading

Periodically I’ll be providing snapshots of our work week. Currently the girls are working on follow up work from the First Great Lesson, and biome studies as their larger projects, along with work in other areas. Here’s what we got up to in this four-day week: This post contains affiliateContinue Reading