
At the point, the kids have a lot of information under their belts. Before they start to plan their own island, I wanted them to see some of the variety around the world. I chose a variety of geographically diverse islands around the world, put the name of each islandContinue Reading

Continuing along with latitude and longitude work, this week we looked a positions of different points – capital cities and mountains – on a flat world map. I found a great latitude/longitude bundle for $4 on TpT with more presentations and differentiated level worksheets than I could even use. It’sContinue Reading

We continued to look at land/water forms this week. Beginning with a review of the 10 basic forms covered last week, we then looked at about 12 more. Once again I blew up the picture cards from The Modern Montessori Guide to 150% so that everyone could see and weContinue Reading

This summer we’re diving into the Ancient Maya and the rain forest biome. We have two friends along for the ride, the same ages as my kids (7 and 10), so it will be fun to have some extra energy around! See also our Ancient Maya Unit Plan, our RainContinue Reading

We are about to embark upon a dive into the Ancient Norse. We always start with the mythology and go from there, so, of course, that means we need a set of Guess Who cards to go along with our stories. My kids already have some familiarity with this mythologyContinue Reading

It’s been a minute! Planning a school year and re-working a website takes a lot of time! To go along with my website re-launch, I want to highlight a really fun new product in my store – a set of five (more to be added) historical science experiments to goContinue Reading

Daisy is beginning to get excited about some of the elementary works and wants to work with the same materials as Fungirl. Because we’re at home, we’re making that work. A few days ago I had an idea that I wanted to get her started on the unit division board.Continue Reading

We’ve been exploring Ancient Greece for about three weeks now. The kids have been so into the mythology and the hero stories we haven’t covered much else besides the geometry and mathematicians. And that’s OK, the mythology, Iliad, and Odyssey are so huge to the foundation of the civilization thatContinue Reading

We’ve been doing a little bit of geology around here – just a smattering here and there. We did a little rock identification at the beach last week, and that inspired a more formal set up at home this week. My jumping off point was this rock identification flow chart.Continue Reading

Our last week focusing on Ancient Egypt! Six weeks has been a nice long time. It gave us time to have about two weeks to settle in, do a few low-key activities and gain the base knowledge we needed. We then had about weeks when our activities were all in!Continue Reading