
We had a fabulous time making elevation maps of our islands today! Most of the families in our group had one sick person, so we decided to do this lesson over zoom, and it worked really well. Ahead of time the kids/parents had prepared an outline of their island resizedContinue Reading

Painting Day!! It feels like so much preparation has gone into this day – the kids are finally paining their first map of their islands. They are using the sketches they prepared last week. We started out by looking at the Pin-It Map land/waterform control maps again. They’ve been soContinue Reading

Week 9 saw the kids looking at map scale – and practicing scaling up their islands from their initial half page to full page sketches. Last week the kids had some time to brainstorm and sketch their island outlines, and they are working towards their first painted landform map ofContinue Reading

One of the thing I love doing in our unit studies, is building in days where we change up our schedule and spend the whole day focusing on our unit. I especially love it when I can make those days math or science based days, because our unit studies areContinue Reading

Our first unit study this Fall is a dive into the Renaissance. We’re coming at the Renaissance from the angle of the knowledge learnt and the Renaissance scientists. I know that when the topic comes around again the focus will be on the role of the church, government, and theContinue Reading

Time to start another school year! We took a long 3.5 week break after our Ancient Maya and Rainforest Unit Studies. This year I want to try to run our year in unit studies. I only want to plan for 5-7 weeks at a time, then take a week orContinue Reading

This summer we’re diving into the Ancient Maya and the rain forest biome. We have two friends along for the ride, the same ages as my kids (7 and 10), so it will be fun to have some extra energy around! See also our Ancient Maya Unit Plan, our AncientContinue Reading

This summer we’re diving into the Ancient Maya and the rain forest biome. We have two friends along for the ride, the same ages as my kids (7 and 10), so it will be fun to have some extra energy around! See also our Ancient Maya Unit Plan, our AncientContinue Reading

It took us a while to settle back into school this year. We worked through a fair part of the summer, I did a ton of planning…and then I was all burnt out! We’ve settled in, made some adjustments, and have been working well for a while now. So –Continue Reading

It’s been a minute! Planning a school year and re-working a website takes a lot of time! To go along with my website re-launch, I want to highlight a really fun new product in my store – a set of five (more to be added) historical science experiments to goContinue Reading