Painting Day!!
It feels like so much preparation has gone into this day – the kids are finally paining their first map of their islands. They are using the sketches they prepared last week.
We started out by looking at the Pin-It Map land/waterform control maps again. They’ve been so valuable to us at the beginning of this island project. We talked about the different types of land represented by the colors, and what they might want to show on their islands. We noticed that darker greens represented woodlands and forests, green-yellow represented warmer plains, yellow-brown represented desert, and greys, whites and tans represented higher land, ice, and mountains.
Then the kids had a nice peaceful time painting in the sun. They all painted a land layer and returned a little later to add in more details, like rivers or mountains. The maps look great! We have at least one more map type to look at, and then they’ll start to decide what might live on their islands!