
We had a fabulous time making elevation maps of our islands today! Most of the families in our group had one sick person, so we decided to do this lesson over zoom, and it worked really well. Ahead of time the kids/parents had prepared an outline of their island resizedContinue Reading

Painting Day!! It feels like so much preparation has gone into this day – the kids are finally paining their first map of their islands. They are using the sketches they prepared last week. We started out by looking at the Pin-It Map land/waterform control maps again. They’ve been soContinue Reading

Week 9 saw the kids looking at map scale – and practicing scaling up their islands from their initial half page to full page sketches. Last week the kids had some time to brainstorm and sketch their island outlines, and they are working towards their first painted landform map ofContinue Reading

What is Imaginary Island? It’s often a year-long “capstone” type project for 6th year Montessori elementary students. Over the course of a year they design an island with realistic land/water forms, place the island on the globe and determine realistic weather, biomes, plant & animal life, and natural resources forContinue Reading

Our Earliest Americans unit study will focus on the different ways humans may have arrived in the Americas. We’ll also look at how the different climates around North America may have influenced lifestyles. Before the unit I asked the kids if they had any specific projects in mind that they’dContinue Reading

This week I tried something new. I tried to be more relaxed about when and where we did our work. It’s not easy! I like a plan, a checklist, and I like to just get on with things. But I want our homeschool to be relaxed, where the girls haveContinue Reading

Our last week focusing on Ancient Egypt! Six weeks has been a nice long time. It gave us time to have about two weeks to settle in, do a few low-key activities and gain the base knowledge we needed. We then had about weeks when our activities were all in!Continue Reading

This week we dived into pyramids and mummies! We’d already covered a lot of information about mummies though our mythology reading – it’s hard to talk about Ancient Egypt without talking about mummies! Our read aloud at the beginning of the week focused on pyramids, but we talked a lotContinue Reading

Week 4 was all about language and math! We went all in this week. Aside from a fraction multiplication lesson to continue on a theme, all Funball’s work was Ancient Egypt related. Due to her age, not all of Daisy’s work follows the theme quite as much but I thinkContinue Reading

Periodically I’ll be providing snapshots of our work week. Currently the girls are working on follow up work from the First Great Lesson, and biome studies as their larger projects, along with work in other areas. Here’s what we got up to in this four-day week: This post contains affiliateContinue Reading