We switched things up! Originally my plan called for us to work on Ancient Egyptian writing and mathematics next, but diving into Daily Life left like a better flow…so that’s what we did! This all happened on Thanksgiving week, so it was a short week for us.
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We played senet all week! I simply printed out a game board from our History Pockets packet, found some glass beads and we were ready to go. The game takes each players pieces on a journey to the underworld. Funball added a nice image at the end of the game! We really did play multiple times a day, there is certainly a little bit of strategy to the game. Weeks later, we’re still playing!
We read the related page from A Child Through Time, library books – Kids in Ancient Egypt, Egyptian Life, and The Scarab’s Secret. After our epic mythology book read last week I kept the read alouds a little bit lighter! One of the items mentioned several time were shabti/ushabti – dolls buried to take on the work of their owner in the afterlife. The girls wrote about what they’d like their doll to do for them (though we decided the dolls would work for us overnight, rather than after we die!) and then we painted them. Mine has her marigolds on so that she can clean the bathrooms for me…not that I’ve noticed her doing them yet!

After discussing a few different lifestyles, I asked the girls to decide what kind of life they would have liked to have lived, and then create a timeline of their day. I helped Daisy create a mini-booklet with a picture for each event. She added the time of day to each page, drew a picture, and wrote a comment on each page. Funball chose to write her timeline up in diary entry form, inspired by her reading of Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile.
You can see our unit plan, and link to other weeks to see what we got up to here: Ancient Egypt Unit Study: The Plan, or check out my Ancient Egypt Pinterest Board.
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