If you’ve been reading along, you’ll know that we’ve been all about Ancient Egypt lately. To help us learn our gods and goddesses I created a new set of game cards for our Guess Who game!

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We’ve been having so much fun playing this! When I first introduced the game the questions were mostly about the appearance of the images and the spelling of the names. As we learnt more and the girls internalized the stories of the deities, the girls also started to include questions about some of the symbols on the cards and what the god/desses represent. It’s been great seeing the questions change as their understanding changes.

This set of cards is so great! The game board cards include a picture and name of each god/goddess, but the larger game boards include all this plus a fact or two about the god or goddess. What a great way to become familiar with or review all this information!

The process is simple! Visit my store to purchase your .pdf file. The print the file – double-sided – on cardstock, laminated, cut, slide the game board pieces into place, and start playing!

The pieces are designed to fit this version of the game – you can absolutely play without a game board – just lay out the game pieces on the table and turn them over as you weed them out!
Click here to pick up your copy of the game cards!