Imaginary Island – Weeks 6 and 7
At the point, the kids have a lot of information under their belts. Before they start to plan their own island, I wanted them to see some of the variety around the world. I chose a variety of geographically diverse islands around the world, put the name of each islandContinue Reading
Imaginary Island – Week 5
Ok, so my plan for this week was genius, but I almost completely failed to get any good photos. You’ll have to hope that my powers of description are good enough… Before the kids get to designing their islands, I want them to think a little bit about where theContinue Reading
Imaginary Island – Week 4
Continuing along with latitude and longitude work, this week we looked a positions of different points – capital cities and mountains – on a flat world map. I found a great latitude/longitude bundle for $4 on TpT with more presentations and differentiated level worksheets than I could even use. It’sContinue Reading
Imaginary Island – Week 3
I have a couple of main resources I’m using to plan my path through the kids’ Imaginary Island study. First and foremost, I’m using Modern Montessori Guide’s Imaginary Island Bundle. The bundle contains a sequence of lesson introductions, and a sequence of research/work for the kids. I’m also using anContinue Reading
Imaginary Island – Week 2
We continued to look at land/water forms this week. Beginning with a review of the 10 basic forms covered last week, we then looked at about 12 more. Once again I blew up the picture cards from The Modern Montessori Guide to 150% so that everyone could see and weContinue Reading
Imaginary Island – Week 1
What is Imaginary Island? It’s often a year-long “capstone” type project for 6th year Montessori elementary students. Over the course of a year they design an island with realistic land/water forms, place the island on the globe and determine realistic weather, biomes, plant & animal life, and natural resources forContinue Reading
Colonial America Book & Video List
We use so many books in our unit studies. I usually start by reserving everything our library has, going through the books looking for supplemental material to our curriculum, and looking for lots of hands on activity options. This time I used some of the non-fiction books to ear-mark pagesContinue Reading
Would You Survive in Jamestown?
When I start a unit study I reserve all interesting looking books in our library system on our topic, and sometimes I come across a gem I didn’t know I was looking for! With this unit, I reserved a book called Hands-on-History: American History Activities by Shell Education. The bookContinue Reading
Colonial Science Day!
One of the thing I love doing in our unit studies, is building in days where we change up our schedule and spend the whole day focusing on our unit. I especially love it when I can make those days math or science based days, because our unit studies areContinue Reading
Early Colonial America Unit Introduction
After our Earliest Americans Unit Study we took a little bit of time to work on various individual topics of the kids and finish up some other threads of study. Everything ticked along OK, and we always seem to have this period of time without a unit study in theContinue Reading